Our perspectives on that strange time and the mainstream.
As we all know, each of us remembers things a little bit differently and that's why you can read how we saw things through our own eyes.
The view of Veronika

It's been a few years since the covid. I still remember that horrible period vividly. I was home with Aron during the various measures and bans.
I was thinking of different games and alternatives to entertain the child and myself at the same time. Depending on the season. I especially loved the season of blooming spring into colorful fall. I was interested in herbs and practiced yoga outside.
Even Aron was inquisitive and enjoyed spending time outdoors. We even enhanced our nature wanderings with a baby crosse and from then on we were unstoppable. Both in discovering nature and new places, our fondness for herbs deepened and you might find dried nettles, dandelion honey or elderberry wine in our home. And outside the windows, of course, herbs to flavour your food.
During these times I enrolled in a yoga instructor course in Prague, specifically Hatha Yoga. I was absolutely engrossed in my studies and wanted to know more and more. I guess I was like a typical ezo maniac to some.
It all started to click and make sense to me. After graduating I continued to self-study and took my insights, experiences and especially the yoga classes into my practice.
I led a group of women who trusted me and loved coming to my classes. And I also had private lessons at my home where my clients felt very comfortable.
In parallel with my Hatha Yoga instructor, I was studying to be a leisure educator in Brno. It was a beautiful class with very nice people. The school had a guiding principle and that was to teach with respect to the natural environment. With love and respect, values that are also important to us. I successfully completed this course as well and although it is a leisure educator, I am not a teacher.
Thanks to this experience and knowledge I can lead children's camps, clubs and after school clubs. But also activities for adults or pensioners.
The combination of mom, yoga instructor and leisure educator was and still is a fascinating, inspiring and most importantly never ending self-study. Exercise and a healthy lifestyle have flowed seamlessly into this".
The view of Luba

"Much has been said about the disease and I would not like to go back to it. Since we were expecting the birth of our baby boy when we returned from Sri Lanka, our plans changed a bit. We knew that we did not want to stay in our home country any longer, but at the same time, as first-time parents, we wanted to stay in the Czech Republic for the necessary time, where our family could help us in case of any complications. Fortunately, at the time of the birth Covid was not yet there and we could spend that time together and at the same time our family could visit us. We were even able to travel abroad when Aron was 4 months old. Then, unfortunately, everything shut down.
We said that when Aron is two years old and we are sure that his health will be fine, we want to go out into the world again. As we became parents, the plan was pretty clear. We have plenty of time to prepare for a more gradual entry into the world.
I started looking for a job. It was a difficult return from Asia to Europe. I knew that even though I could look for a management position, this path would not be possible. These senior positions for just two years wouldn't make sense to me and I didn't want to lie to anyone. The other option was to drive around Europe. The money there was nice, but I really didn't want to be away from my family for a week. I found a job close to where I lived and in the construction industry. Even a job working with wood, which I love. We were told in the neighborhood that the company in question didn't pay that much, but that didn't upset me. I got in and started working really hard. It really wasn't easy, I was making roofs and walking over 30,000 steps every shift. We needed money for our education, so I sought out extra hours and weekend days. I commuted by train every day, as we didn't want to buy a car (while convenient, the purchase + running costs were an unnecessary expense that didn't fit into our schedule). And so we took a backpack for shopping and rode the train.
My train to work was early in the morning thanks to the covid which cut a lot of lines. To get to work at 6am, I would get up at 3:45 a.m. and get home around 5pm. Fortunately, the company gave me the opportunity to work both early in the morning and late after everyone had gone home. This allowed me to bring home the money needed for our plan - to become instructors. Both diving for me and yoga instructor Veronika.
It certainly wasn't easy. When Veronika was pregnant, she was still delivering lunches at the restaurant.
She started studying yoga shortly after she gave birth. She went to Prague and Brno for weekends and I took care of Aron after the physically demanding work.
We believed in our goal and it drove us forward. What was worse was that our immediate family didn't really believe in us. Not that they didn't believe, but rather they wanted us to stay close to them after years of traveling, especially when we had Aron. I understand that, but honestly, their opinion didn't help us much. At the same time, it was merely our idea that we could establish ourselves in a foreign land. We had no certainty.
After Veronika's courses, this time it was my turn. I educated myself, dived all over the Czech Republic and started to learn English. We had to buy a car because of the diving, as we really drove all over the country. To save money on accommodation, I slept in the car in the car park after dives, whatever time of year it was. Importantly, I had tremendous support from Veronika, who took care of Aron herself the whole time I was at work or diving. She even followed me and Aron around when I was diving in the high mountain lakes in Austria, giving me the family company I desperately needed. She cooked me healthy lunches in the evenings for the next day, prepared snacks, and took on all the weight of the family. How many times we both sat at the table in the evening, totally exhausted, and questioned whether we were actually going in the right direction. Aron cried when he saw me getting my fins ready and going away for the weekend. It made us very nervous, but in the end we made it through it all, successfully completed our studies and even got our dream jobs. It hurt, but by sticking it out, believing and sticking together the whole time, luck eventually smiled on us.
Today, we often wonder how we could have done it and shake our heads that we really did it. We achieved our goal of taking the whole family abroad to work. And only today, with hindsight, do we actually realize what we accomplished because we believed.